News about Flores and Komodo

New Komodo National Park fees for 2023

komodo national park signFinally and unexpected new Komodo National Park fees for 2023 are published by the central government: Fees have increased drastically, affecting families in particular. The new fees became officially valid on 16th of April 2023. But actually visitors in Labuan Bajo were still not charged with these new fees so far (22nd June 2023). We will let you know immediately when the fees become active in Flores.  


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Komodo National Park fees 2023 remain the same

komodo national park signFortunately the Komodo National Park fees of the year 2023 remain the same as in 2022. So a trip to Flores can still be planned and organised. The fees you can 

Originally it was planned to raise the fees drastically on August 1st 2022. The new fee should be 3.750.000 IDR apprx. 265 USD per person. The ticket should be valid for one year and is not transferable to other people. Visitors should be limited to 200.000 persons per year.
But the government finally decided on the 3rd of August 2022 not to increase the prices.   


Update: As on August 3rd 2022 the Indonesian government has revoked the increase of the Komodo Ntional Park fees. All will remain the same as beore August 2022.

----     not valid anymore     ---------

The new fee will be 3.750.000 IDR apprx. 265 USD per person. The ticket is valid for one year. The ticket is not transferable to other people.

Visitors are limited to 200.000 persons per year


Komodo National Park fees increase in August 2022

komodo national park signUpdate: As on August 3rd 2022 the Indonesian government has revoked the increase of the Komodo Ntional Park fees. All will remain the same as beore August 2022.

----     not valid anymore     ---------

The Komodo National Park is going to increase its fees starting from August 1st 2022.

The new fee will be 3.750.000 IDR apprx. 265 USD per person. The ticket is valid for one year. The ticket is not transferable to other people.

Visitors are limited to 200.000 persons per year


Current flight requirements for domestic flights in Indonesia

domestic-flights-requirements-indonesiaDomestic travelers must comply with the following provisions:

Travelers who travel by private or public vehicle is responsible for his/her own health, and is subject to comply with the applicable terms and conditions;

Travelers are required to use the PeduliLindungi application as a condition for traveling domestically.

Domestic travelers traveling by air, sea, land transportation modes using private or public vehicles, crossings, and intercity trains from and to regions throughout Indonesia, must comply with the following provisions:

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Covid-19 - Indonesia extends border closure for foreigners

Covid-19 IndonesiaIndonesia still closes its border due to the COVID-19/Corona Virus pandemic. Foreigners are not allowed to enter Indonesia except they are KITAS or KITAP visa holders or apply for a B211 business visa in advance. Indonesian citizens and top foreign officials are excluded from this arrival ban. It seems that the border closure will continue to be extended on a bi-weekly basis depending on the Corona situation in the country. Travelers arriving at Jakarta airport have to undergo a five-day quarantine in selected hotels of their choice and have to make twice a PCR test.

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Rinca Island in the Komodo National Park is closed until July 2021

rinca island gateSad news reached us today for all Komodo National Park visitor who wants to go to Rinca Island. Rinca Island will be closed until July 2021 due to current constructions. All other islands can still be visited. Komodo Dragons can only be seen on the islands of Rinca and Komodo. This means that the cheaper and also shorter travel time option of exploring the Komodo Dragons in one day is no longer available until mid of the year 2021. There is only one option left to see the dragons on Komodo Island which is about 4,5 hours by a slow wooden boat or 1,5 hours by a speed boat from Labuan Bajo. 

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Online Registration and eHAC for Flores and Komodo Visitors

online registration labuan bajoUpdate: It is not anymore necessary to do an online registration for travellers who want to visit Flores. Just go and follow the Covid-19 health regulations. 

On 1st of July 2020 authorities of Labuan Bajo/Flores and Komodo implemented an online registration system for visitors travelling to Flores and the Komodo National Park. On the online registration form for Flores and Komodo you and your accompanying travelers have to fill in some personal data and upload medical certificates and proofs of your health insurance.

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Komodo National Park is open again

komodo national park signThe Komodo National Park and all other tourist attractions on Flores have opened again on 22nd of June 2020. The decision was made by the Gouverneur of NTT and the headquarter of the Nationl Park even the borders of Indonesia are still closed for international tourists. The number of Corona infected people are very low in Flores so that there is no reason anymore to keep tourist spots closed. 

In case domestic or international travellers who are still in Indonesia like to travel by plane to Flores or from Flores to other destinations they need a valid Covid-19 or swap test which is not older than 7 days and an official travel permit.  



Labuan Bajo is now connected to Sulawesi by air

airport labuan bajo 400The long awaited route Labuan Bajo (LBJ) to Makassar (UPG) in South Sulawesi has been recently started to operate by TransNusa. Makassar is not only a popular destination for tourists because it is the starting point for a journey to the famous area of Tanah Toraja. No, also many locals from Flores have to travel each month to Makassar either for work, study or visit friends and families. In the past it was only possible twice a month by a Pelni passenger ferry or by plane via Bali.

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Komodo National Park was closed

komodo national park signThe Komodo National Park was closed from March to 21st of June 2020 due to Corona pandemie.

The Gouverneur of the Province East Nusa Tenggara announced that all tourist facilities open again on 22nd of June 2020. Some regions in Indonesia were semi locked-down. If you like to travel within Indonesia, you need an official travel permit and a health certificate issued by an authorized docter. 

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Rumors Closure Komodo

komodo national park not closedWhat about the rumors that the Komodo National Park will soon be closed or at least the number of visitors gets limited 

The latest idea of the authorities of the Komodo National Park is to implement a membership system for tourists coming to Komodo Island. The National Park itself doesn't get closed. Only the number of visitors to Komodo Island might be regulated by an annual fee of US$ 1,000 per person. But at the moment the old prices are still valid. This will probably not change anymore this year as the number of tourists has declined almost to zero due to the Corona crisis 

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BnB IZZI - Toraja-Sulawesi

hotel floresIf you plan to travel from Bali or Lombok to Flores and Komodo, maybe you are thinking about visiting Tanah Toraja in South-Sulawesi as well. Due to the recently new opened flight route Labuan Bajo on West-Flores (LBJ) to Makassar (UPG) it is now much easier to add Toraja and Sidrap to your travel itinerary. A visit to BnB IZZI off the beaten path will complete your journey. 

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Snorkeling in the Komodo National Park is getting more expensive

If you want to snorkel in the Komodo National Park, you have to expect higher costs from now on. The ticket price has increased from 15.000 rp to 50.000 rp (apprx. USD 3.50) per person and day. Hopefully it is not the beginning of the announced drastical increase of the National Park fees. 

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Rumors Closure Komodo National Park

komodo dragon closedWhat about the rumors that the Komodo National Park will soon be closed?

It is one of the options that is considered by the ministry, the administration and the politicians. The new idea is that the National Park should not be closed for tourists as an entire unit, but only the island Komodo, which is the largest in the National Park and home to apprx. 1,400 Komodo dragons (Komodo Warane).

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News Flash Komodo and Flores

  • New Komodo National Park fees for 2023

    23 June 2023-5007 hit(s)
    Finally and unexpected new Komodo National Park fees for 2023 are published by the central government: Fees have increased drastically, affecting families in particular. The new fees became officially...
  • Komodo National Park fees increase in...

    03 August 2022-1697 hit(s)
    Update: As on August 3rd 2022 the Indonesian government has revoked the increase of the Komodo Ntional Park fees. All will remain the same as beore August 2022. ----     not valid anymore     --------- The Ko...
  • Rinca Island in the Komodo National Pa...

    19 June 2021-5253 hit(s)
    Sad news reached us today for all Komodo National Park visitor who wants to go to Rinca Island. Rinca Island will be closed until July 2021 due to current constructions. All other islands can still be...